Our computerised library offers our students, staff and school community a rich variety of books and resources. All classes have a scheduled weekly library time for browsing, borrowing and developing research skills. Our students are encouraged to borrow books they would like to read at home or have read to them by a parent or carer. Our aim is to have all students enjoying reading.
The library is open every lunch time for reading, drawing, research, borrowing and using the computers. Students are able to use the computer room during lunchtimes.
Parents and carers are welcome to borrow from our library. Mrs Poona, our teacher librarian, can set you up with a barcode and show you how to borrow. Borrowing times are each morning, except Thursday, and each afternoon, except Tuesday.
Students in Kindergarten to Year 2 can borrow 2 books per week and Years 3-6 are able to borrow 4.